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While We Were Sleeping, Pamela Anderson Got Married Again!

By Lori Perkins

Image taken from Daily Mail

Is fifth time the charm? Or is this the sixth time? Anderson claims it’s the fourth, but whose counting, am I right?

While we were all watching WonderWoman84 and binging Bridgerton, Pamela Anderson donned a vintage wedding dress and “a Princess Diana veil” and married her bodyguard, Dan Hayhurst, in her Vancouver home, which had once belonged to her grandparents, and was the site of her parents’ wedding. The wedding took place on Christmas Eve in the rural Canadian province of Ladysmith on Vancouver Island, where Anderson was born in 1967.

You may recall that Anderson “married” producer Jon Peters last year, but then quickly announced two weeks later that the marriage was never official or registered. Now she describes that union as a “little moment. A moment that came and went, but there was no wedding, there was no marriage, there was no anything,” Anderson tried to explain. “It’s like it never even happened. That sounds bizarre. But that’s it.”

Hayhurst and Anderson have been in lockdown 24/7 on her Canadian property for the better part of the past year. He is a builder in his 40s who had worked on a local animal sanctuary, where the couple now volunteer.

According to an extensive article on the marriage in The Daily Mail, a friend of Anderson's said the newlyweds are smitten. “Pamela fell in love with the boy next door. This is who she would have ended up with if she never left Vancouver Island.”

Anderson was married to Motley Crue drummer Tommy Lee, with whom she has two adult sons, then Kid Rock, and twice to producer Rick Solomon.


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