By David T. Valentin

For some, it’s just an ordinary Monday, but for others, it’s the day of a solar eclipse across The United States. Thousands of people are crossing state lines, congregating to find a spot to view the 2024 solar eclipse in its entirety—something that has not happened now since 2017’s North American solar eclipse.
For those who could not travel state lines or take the day off to find a spot to witness a total solar eclipse, you can still see a partial eclipse from the comfort of where you are now in The United States. Just make sure you have solar eclipses glasses that work!
To check the validity of your glasses, look through the lenses. If you see total blackness—great! That means you have a proper set of solar eclipse glasses. If you see everything as if you’re looking through sunglasses—do NOT try to look at the eclipse with these glasses; you will damage your eyes!
If you don’t have proper solar eclipse glasses, don’t fret! There are plenty of places you can find them either for free or for a small purchase. In New York City, you can actually get a limited quantity of solar eclipse glasses at your local New York Public Library. For purchase, here is an article of places you might still be able to find some solar eclipse glasses .
If you’d like to view the eclipse from the comfort of indoors without any risks to your eyes, you can watch the solar eclipse live on NASA’s YouTube channel right here where you’ll get some awesome commentary about the eclipse. And, you won’t miss a single second of it!
For this solar eclipse, I will be viewing it in Riverdale, Bronx on the open grounds of Wave Hill!
I hope you all enjoy the solar eclipse and are viewing it SAFELY.