By Lori Perkins

So I’m scrolling through what remains of Twitter before the Nichols’ video is to be released and I see a tweet reading “Finally. Porn for women!” so you know I have to click.
And I was hooked.
I watched the video as Imperioli toured us through his Italian Renaissance-inspired apartment that was an oasis in the midst of the Upper West Side filled to the moldings with art and Old World furnishings that could have come right out of the filming of his latest TV show, White Lotus (actually one or two pieces were purchased while filming on the set).
It turns out Victoria, his wife of 27 years, is an interior designer, and this is not their first NY apartment featured in Architectural Digest. There’s link in the article to their earlier loft, which they left for a house while they brought up their three children. They moved back to the city to a meager two-bedroom now that they are happy empty nesters.
The article and video (and earlier AD article) are a delightful rabbit hole to fall down.
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