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John Krasinski’s ‘Some Good News’ Zoomcast Is a Welcome Treat for Us All

Office star, and husband of Emily Blunt, John Krasinski has put out a weekly Zoomcast title SGN, or Some Good News, which is viewable on YouTube. The second episode premiered Sunday and continues to be surprisingly uplifting in these difficult times.

The first episode featured a surprise concert by Lin Manuel Mirada and the entire cast of Hamilton to a young girl who has missed her opportunity to see the play due to the closing of Broadway because of the Coronavirus.

The second episode (with a much snazzier opening) included a number of good news clips of health care providers and survivors of COVID and nuns singing Queen lyrics in Liverpool. But the highlight of this episode was when Krasinski, a Boston native, surprised COVID unit workers at Beth Isreal Deaconness Medical Center in Boston with an appearance by David Ortiz who informed the workers that the Red Sox were going to donate tickets to the workers "for life.” The workers were then driven to Fenway Park so they could run around the field and receive video messages from Red Sox players and elected officials.

The final good news of the episode was Krasinski announcing that AT&T was giving three months of free wireless bills for all doctors and nurses who are new or existing customers to its FirstNet plan, which is a dedicated service for first responders.

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