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April is National Poetry Month

As we approach another month of national isolation, the fact that April is National Poetry month is one way we can find and follow our bliss. Most of us haven’t really thought about, or appreciated, poetry since we were in high school or college, but since we are all home this month, I encourage you to take some time each day to find a poem that will re-invigorate your soul, or at least amuse you.

National Poetry Month was inaugurated by the Academy of American Poets in 1996. It has since become the largest literary celebration in the world. You can join in the affirmation with:

This year, the organization emphasized the power of inspiration and comfort poetry can bring. “Now, as we face an unprecedented circumstance, National Poetry Month has taken on new meaning and importance. More and more people are turning to poetry at this moment, because poetry and inspiring language can help bring solace and needed strength.

This April, the Academy of American Poets is more committed than ever to doing everything it can to bring poetry to the widest possible audience. The organization offers activities, initiatives, and resources, which have been adapted so that anyone can join in online and at home and—hopefully—find comfort, resilience, and connection throughout the month of April and beyond.”

The website features a list of resources and ideas to help you celebrate, but my personal favorite is the call to sign up for a poem a day,

Or, of course, you can write a poem a day!

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