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Josh Gad Reads The Giving Tree; John Legend Gives a Free Concert Michael Stipe Sings “End of the Wor

So we’re all in home/work isolation which means we’re trying really hard to pay attention to our work, but also checking news and social media every five minutes. But more than anything else, we want to be distracted and also feel that we are all in this together. And it seems that some of our favorite celebrities have anticipated those needs

Today I found a delightful reading of Shel Silverstein’s The Giving Tree by the actor Josh Gad who reads it as though he was reading it to his own kids.

John Legend decided to give a free concert online playing Simon & Garfunkel’s “Bridge Over Troubled Water” in his living room as wife Chrissy Tiegen sat on the piano in a large towel with a wine glass perched nearby.

But R.E.M’s now-gray Michael Stripe singing “It’s the End if the World As We Know It” was the most powerful post for me. After he briefly talked about how weird it was to sing those words right now, he then went on to list the things we can do to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus-- a very intense full circle.

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