— erotic romance author Kate Allure explores kink, eroticism, and erotic fiction
This January, we’re pleased to feature Naomi Springthorp. She loves baseball and writes some very hot stories featuring players and balls, but that’s not all. Let’s get to know her…

Welcome, Naomi. To get started, what inspired you to start writing erotic romance novels?
Naomi: When I started writing, it wasn’t something that I’d planned to do. I woke up one morning in the middle of a dream. For me, it was an ultimate fantasy that I couldn’t let go and I needed to find out where the fantasy would take me, so I kept writing.
You write some hot hot stories. How do you conduct research for your sex scenes?
Naomi: I primarily draw on my own experiences from my single days and friends that live the lifestyle now.
So, have any of your past sexual escapades made it into your books?
Naomi: Yes. Just a California Girl, Betting on Love Book 1. The story starts with an elevator scene where the couple almost gets caught in the act by golfers with an early morning tee time.
So about you then?
Naomi: He was a shaggy-haired blonde metal head that was gorgeous in his snug fitting black concert shirt and button-fly jeans. His warm brown eyes owned me from the moment I met him. We had been making out all night while we drank and roamed the Las Vegas Strip. The first alone time we had was in the elevator and his hands were immediately in my pants.
Oh, my! I’ve never tried elevator sex, but hmmm... Maybe I’ve been missing something. What other surprising anecdotes can you share. Maybe, something about a reader.
Naomi: My most surprising reader is actually a listener. He and his wife are retired and in their 70’s. He was my tour guide at a baseball stadium and since nobody else signed up for the tour, he gave me a private tour of the stadium which took my friend and I off the normal tour route. It was an amazing experience for this baseball fanatic, and anyone who wanted a glimpse into the players gym and batting cages. The tour guide was a talker! When I told him I write baseball romance he asked to buy my book. My friend reiterated to him that I write romance again, making sure he understood and emphasizing “hot.” He wanted to buy all three of the baseball books I had out at the time, and did. A month later he sent me a photo of his wife in a swimsuit on a cruise ship reading my book to him. He contacts me frequently and follows me on social media. But, the best part was when he visited my home stadium and messaged me asking to buy more books. I met them at the stadium and they told me how she reads to him every night. Sweet woman, vibrant excited gentleman.
That is the sweetest and surprising story. So, maybe tell us about one of the favorite books you’ve written.
Naomi: Well first I have a new release coming soon, an anthology called Sacrifice for Love out on January 28th. You can learn more about it here.
My featured book is Just a California Girl, Betting on Love Book 1. This is a Vegas Romance series with heat and angst, allowing me to show a different side of my writing when compared to my baseball romance series and romantic comedies. Jacks, Betting on Love Book 2 will be out this spring and you need to read book 1 first. This series will be at least four books, possibly more based on what’s rolling around in my head. I love writing this series because I set it in the early 1990’s, and the hero in the first two books is basically my dream man. It’s a simpler time without social media watching us and without the convenient easy accessibility of cell phones. Our hero is a shaggy-haired blonde metal head that has a nice ass and goes commando in his button-fly jeans. He’s got a sexy tiger tattoo, a warm heart, and he’s always ready to please.
Just a California Girl — Who knew I’d meet the love of my life on a girls night in Las Vegas? Definitely not me.
“Remember the moment we’re together when I’m your world and nothing else exists. I’ve never had that with anybody else and I’m willing to bet you haven’t either.” Those heartfelt words that fell from his lips have taken residence in my head, crushing my soul since I haven’t told him who I am. What if he doesn’t want the real me? Danny’s a hunky metal head with soulful brown eyes. His sexy tiger tattoo makes me burn from the inside out. He’s everything I want and need.
I want to keep him. But, I can’t tell him I love him until I confess my innocuous lie. I wouldn’t believe it myself. Betting on Love… could be the riskiest gamble of all.
Naomi Springthorp is born and raised Southern California Girl. If it’s baseball season you’ll find her at the ballpark fanatically supporting her favorite team. She loves music and everything has a soundtrack. Her passion for both shows in her books.
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Watch for Kate’s Naughty Corner on the third Friday each month. In February, we’ll feature another baseball fanatic and a fabulous kinky author, Cecilia Tan.
~ Kate
author, Seduced, a London Sex Club novel