By Lori Perkins

I am shocked to see that no one I meet seems to know that Mattel has transformed boring blond Ken into the hottest merman this side of Disney.
I am on the Barbie mailing list because I love the superhero and inspiring women Barbies they are producing now, but I was caught completely off-guard when hot merman Ken popped into my feed.
King Ocean Ken, as he is referred to in the Barbie Signature newsletter, is built. He wears a shell-bejeweled harness and some winged accessories atop his lustrous long brown hair and an iridescent pink and green tail. He is so hot.
He is also expensive at $100, and you can only get him by joining the Barbie Signature club for $9.99 and placing a pre-order for his arrival in June.
According to the Barbie Signature newsletter, King Ocean Ken doll is the first member of a new line of underwater royalty. “This mighty ocean-dweller enchanted Barbie fans and became the crowd-sourced winning thematic to go from concept to doll. Emerging from his aquatic kingdom, this collectible Ken merman doll wears gleaming rose gold colored armor featuring a shell-encrusted breastplate, spaulder shoulder armor and bicep armbands. His regal head adornments and iridescent fins are perfectly suited for a ruler of the sea, and articulation allows for endless posing possibilities.”
Mattel, may we suggest you sponsor a float in the 2022 Coney Island Mermaid parade and put some of these hotties it?