By Lori Perkins
While we all know that Reeses candy eggs are the most popular Easter candy in America (and everybody both loves and hates Peeps, no matter what color or flavor they come in – don’t even start with the Pepsi-Peeps promo this year), there are always some new additions.
This year’s offerings include the usual suspects of odd chocolate bunnies and bizarrely flavored egg-shaped treats, with some interesting creations, such as tiny Nutella bottles with yellow and green caps.
Not to be left out of the WTF moment, Peeps has introduced hot tamale-flavored marshmallow candy, as well as hot cinnamon-flavored ones. Seriously, who asked for this?
Even though Reeses leads the Easter pack, they never fail to try to innovate, so this Easter they are offering marshmallow topped Reeses cups. Personally, not sure about this one.
But who knows, with the legalization of marijuana in both New York and New Jersey (and probably many other states in the coming year), perhaps we’ll be having pot chocolate Easter bunnies made by Hersey next year?