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Some Joy: Pete Buttigeige and Chasten Show Off Their New Son and Daughter

By Lori Perkins

Image Taken from Pete Buttigeige Twitter

So my office is flooded from the New York City rains (so bad that we will have to work from home again for the next few months while they tear out the water-logged carpets and redo the walls growing mold) and abortion is now basically illegal with a bounty in Texas thanks to my Supreme Court that I never voted for, but I can still find some joy if I look. I did not expect it to come form the US Secretary of Transportation, but I was truly pleased to see the delightful photo of Pete Buttigeige and his husband Chasten holding their adopted newborns.

The couple reveled their newborns on Saturday in a beautiful black and white photo on social media as they posed on what looked like a hospital bed that they were now the proud parents of Penelope Rose and Joseph August Buttegeiug, whom they cradled in their respective arms. Not much more was shared, but that is certainly enough for now.

How amazing is it going to be to watch these children grow up with these two amazing dads? They are going to change the world-wide perception of gay parenthood.

A recent quite in the New York Times expanded on that, “As parents, they will now shine a national spotlight on L.G.B.T.Q. families, who often face daunting challenges because of outdated policies that narrowly define what families are,” Annise Parker, the president of the Victory Institute, an organization that helps prepare L.G.B.T.Q. people to run for political office, said in a statement.

I can’t wait!


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