By David T. Valentin

On Wednesday (July 19th), Alice Oseman, creator of the popular Webcomic series Heartstopper, announced on her socials that Volume Five of Heartstopper will be postponed.
In Oseman’s post, she lets fans know Vol. 5 is becoming longer than anticipated, and with her writing the script for Season Three of the Heartstopper hit television show on Netflix, she has postponed Vol. 5.
For the UK, vol. 5 is set to release December 7th of this year and December 19th for a USA date. This is not the first delay for what Oseman has promised is to be the final volume of the Heartstopper series.
In late 2022, Oseman admitted she needed a bit of a mental health break. Given the popularity of Heartstopper’s Netflix adaptation and the pressure to neatly wrap up the series in its final volumes, Alice Oseman had to split vol. 5 into two separate volumes. Oseman noted on her socials that there was simply too much for her to wrap up in a single volume and, after much thought, decided on splitting vol 5. In half.
On the bright side, vol. 5 is only postponed for another month, so it’s not that much of a longer wait. Secondly, writer Alice Oseman confirmed that Heartstopper will be getting a third season on Netflix. So, I guess at the end of the day we get another volume of Heartstopper and the promise of another season on Netflix? Sounds like a win-win to me.