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Gywneth Paltrow Wins Bizarre Ski Trip – And of course Concludes it With a Defining Cultural Moment

By David T. Valentin

Or maybe it wasn’t as culturally defining as I said, but you have to laugh at the little joys in life, right?

These past two weeks Gywneth Paltrow has been caught in a court case where retired optometrist Terry Sanderson filed a $300,000 lawsuit against Paltrow for a Ski Accident he claimed took place back in 2016 at Deer Valley Ski in Utah.

In a statement at the beginning of the trial, Sanderson’s lawyer claimed that Paltrow crashed into Sanderson while she was “looking at her children” rather than paying attention to the ski slope. He then stated Paltrow left the scene minutes after while his client, Sanderson, was left to be taken to first aid by way of sled.

After refusing to settle the case outside of court, Paltrow countersued Sanderson for $1. The celebrity wanted to make the statement that the court case was not about money for her but proving her integrity and proving that Sanderson was “exploiting her celebrity and wealth.”

Just yesterday, Paltrow won the case. In Gywneth Paltrow fashion, as she left the court, Paltrow leaned over Terry Sanderson’s shoulder and said, in front of cameras, “I wish you well.”


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