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Comedian Tiffany Haddish and  Musician Common Are a Thing!

Sometimes, when a couple finally gets together you say to yourself “yes!” That’s how I’ve always felt about Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriquez, and that was definitely my reaction when I read that the bawdy Girls Trip Star, 40, was now officially dating Common, 48.

It turns out they actually met through the dating app Bumble where they were paired up to advertise the site, so they appear in a bunch of cute dating ads together. They were also snapped at a Black Lives Matter protest rally in Los Angeles with Megan Thee Stallion.

Haddish made the relationship public on Steve-O’s podcast “Wild Ride,” calling it, “the best relationship I’ve ever been in.” She went on, “I’ve lost 20 pounds since I’ve been in this relationship. I feel more confident in me and it’s not him that’s doing it. I’m just way happier and it’s like knowing I got somebody that cares about me, that really has my back.

Haddish also shaved her head so the two of them are both bald. Common said he loves the way she looks and Haddish just told the world, “I love him.”

And, because Haddish is far from shy about everything, she also told the world that they both have been tested for COVID and are clear so, “yeah, we’ve been f–king.

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