Rupert Murdoch Changes Mind About Engagement two Weeks After AnnouncementBy Lori Perkins You now how they say women change their minds all the time, well Rupert Murdoch joins the likes of Pamela Anderson (who...
75th Anniversary of April 4th, 1984 DayBy Lori Perkins Once again, we are face to face with the day in which George Orwell’s protagonist begins his diary in the classic...
This Year’s Crop of “Interesting” Easter CandyBy Lori Perkins I believe you’ve already seen the Pepsi-flavored Peeps. But, wait, there’s more! This year, there’s M&M’s White Chocolate...
Gywneth Paltrow Wins Bizarre Ski Trip – And of course Concludes it With a Defining Cultural MomentBy David T. Valentin Or maybe it wasn’t as culturally defining as I said, but you have to laugh at the little joys in life, right? These...