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Win Publication in the 2022 Riverdale Avenue Book’s NaNoWriMo Contest

By Lori Perkins

As you all know, National Novel Writing Month 2022 has just ended (if you’re a writer then you likely lovingly know this time of the year as NaNoWriMo). For many, once they’ve completed their 50,000 word novel in 30 days, they have no idea what to do with it or how to get published.

As many of you also know, I firmly believe in NaNoWriMo, so this year, I have rounded up a team of dedicated interns and editors and we have committed to a NaNoWriMo contest for publication at Riverdale Avenue Books.

I think it is amazing that we have a national month devoted to encouraging writing. I see the people who participate in NaNoWriMo as artists and athletes, and I know that the work that is produced becomes some of our cultures' best and brightest. One of my favorite books I’ve published, Untrustworthy by JR Gersen-Siegel, an LGBTQ Handmaid’s Tale, was a NaNoWriMo novel (and winner of our first NaNoWriMo contest).

Submit your 50,000-80,000 word novel in the genres of erotica, erotic romance, horror, science fiction, fantasy, and LGBTQ fiction to Riverdale Avenue Books by midnight of February 1, 2023 for consideration. Riverdale Avenue Books’ team of editors will evaluate the submissions and choose first place winners, as well as honorable mentions, from each genre for publication by Riverdale Avenue Books.

Winners will be notified by email by March 15, 2023. Each book chosen will be eligible for standard contract terms, including publication as both print and ebook. The winning books will be published in 2023.

Please enclose a brief bio, as well as your email address, with each submission. Submit completed novels in a word document format with a brief author bio and book synopsis to

See this article for more information on successful NaNoWriMo projects,


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