By Lori Perkins

I gotta’ tell you that learning that Olivia Wilde’s seductive secret salad dressing that Jason Sudekis supposedly laid down in front of a moving car to prevent her from bringing to Harry Styles is the Nora Ephron salad dressing I’ve been using for nearly four decades just makes me admire her even more!
If you don’t understand the above sentence, you have obviously not been paying attention to the gossip surrounding the release of Don’t Worry, Darling, Wilde’s second directorial release which features Harry Styles, for whom she left her partner of a decade while filming the aforementioned movie. Jason Sudekis, former SNL member and creator and star of award-winning Ted Lasso, was heart-broken (much like the character he portrays in his TV show) and appears to have done some not-so-Ted-Lasso-like things after being left (like having divorce papers delivered to Wilde while she was on-stage talking about her new movie) which were rumored to include lying down in front of her car as she was about to deliver said salad dressing to her new man.
Now, you may say, what is so special about this salad dressing? Well, all I can tell you is that every time I have made it, people ask me about it. It’s a simple vinaigrette, but delicious.
It appeared in Nora Ephron’s only novel, Heartburn, which she wrote after leaving her philandering second husband, journalist Carl Bernstein, who cheated on her while she was pregnant with their second child. In the novel, the main character is a food writer, so Ephron peppers the book with recipes. I think I tried them all.
Anyway, here’s the recipe:
“Mix two tablespoons Grey Poupon mustard with two tablespoons good red wine vinegar. Then, whisking constantly with a fork, slowly add six tablespoons olive oil, until the vinaigrette is thick and creamy.”