If you're a wine lover, you probably know that the third Thursday in November is the day when the Beaujolais nouveau wine arrives in the US from France (the French will not allow it to be exported earlier). As far as I'm concerned it should be an international holiday. This is the annual batch of "new wine," which is full-bodied yet sweeter, and since it is new wine, it's relatively inexpensive (about $10 a bottle). There is nothing like it in the US wine market, so it is just one of my faves. Every year is different, but last year was superb. So amazing, in fact, that I gave out cases of Beajoulias as Christmas presents. The wine is only fabulous for about 3 months, so it's something to indulge in during the winter months. This is year is expected to be as good as last year, but the most amazing thing about this year is that we are getting a rosé! I am always disappointed that the Beaujolais wine arrives right before Thanksgiving and I serve turkey, so I can't serve a full-bodied red with white meat. But not this year! George Duboeuf, which seems to import the vast majority of Beaujolais Nouveau in this country (they launched the whole Beaujolais marketing craze in the US in the 70s) is introducing the rose into the American market this year. I will be a happy hostess this holiday season!