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New E.L. James Fifty Shades Novel Releases for Summer Reading
By Lori Perkins As the nation tip-toed forward to its first real Memorial Day of barbeques and beaches, E.L. James released the final...
The 2021 Lammy Awards
By David T. Valentin On June 1st, Lambda Literary hosted its 33rd annual Lambda Literary Awards, famously abbreviated as “The Lammys,”...
Wuthering Heights’ Author Emily Bronte’s Hand-written “Lost” Poems Go to Auction
By Lori Perkins Only two people alive today have ever seen the collection of 29 hand-written Emily Bronte poems that Sotheby’s is...
Legendary Author E.L. Doctorow’s East Side Apartment is on the Market
By Lori Perkins I’ve always been fascinated by the places where writers and artists created their works, so I immediately clicked on the...
Goodreads Ransom Scam Aimed at Authors
By Lori Perkins A very disturbing report has surfaced about an extortion scam demanding authors pay to erase targeted negative and...
Guest Post: Hudson Valley RWA: Rebirth of a Small but Mighty Chapter
By Dawn M. Barclay, Chapter President When I became president of the Hudson Valley RWA in July of 2019, it was more the result of an...
Editors of Bi Any Other Name Anthology Honored at this Years’ PFLAG Queens NY Luncheon on Feb. 28th
By Lori Perkins Due to the pandemic, the PFLAG Queens NY Annual Luncheon could not be held in person his year, but the event will go on...
Spend Galentine’s Day Listening to A Live Erotica Reading
By Lori Perkins This year is like no other. I would usually be in Rhode Island attending the North East Leather Association’s (NELA)...
Guest Post: It’s Your World Ladies – I Just Write In It
By John Schneider Like most of the people reading this, I’m an author. I’m on social media, following all the posts. I relate to and feel...
Fan Tries to School Nora Roberts on Publishing: Roberts Teaches Her a Thing or Two
By Lori Perkins Romancelandia looked on with morbid fascination as a Nora Roberts “fan” tried to tell Nora Roberts how publishing works...
Neil Gaiman and Amanda Palmer Split As Announcement is Made on Twitter
Photo taken from Vulture magazine Advant garde singer and performer Amanda Palmer announced on Twitter that her husband of nine years,...
Rare First Editions of Jane Austen Novels Sell for Big Bucks at Auction
All six of Jane Austen’s novels in their rare, original binding were auctioned on February 20th by the New York-based auction house,...
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